I Will Kiss You In The Presence Of My Enemies


At infochristo.com, we do not only provide you with useful information to nourish and enrich your soul for growth and development but in addition, provide you with something entertaining to laugh over it.

Today, one of our editorial team members chanced on this picture of the week and we have decided to caption it: I Will Kiss You In The Presence Of My Enemies.

In the past few years, event organizers and people have created many funny styles of ending their wedding events in a memorable and grand style. And one of such enviable moments where friends and loved ones sit on tenterhooks to capture the event with their phones, tablets and IPads is when the pastor says “You may now kiss the bride”.

Apart from these, many freshly married couples take many crazy and funny pictures of their big day event. Do you know the importance of this crazy and funny stuffs? One day, you and your partner will look through your photo albums and have something to laugh about. One day, your children and grandchildren cannot stop laughing over your creativity and crazy love and magical moments when they go through your old photo albums.

Once it is your big day, make it memorable; make it fun, do something good, crazy, and of course; not something that will push you into disgrace and spoil the beauty of the whole day. Life is not meant to be boring but to be lived well meaningfully and have good fun with friends and loved ones.
A word of caution here for all singles who might be thinking of trying “I will kiss you in the presence of my enemies” style; make sure that your grooms men and maids who will assist by holding you and your partner are strong people and they have really trained and rehearsed for that to avoid any casualty.


To singles, comment by telling us which kissing styles you are thinking of for your wedding day.



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