Wishing All Mothers A HaPpY Mothers’ Day


Today is Mothers’ Day. The leadership and the entire team of infochristo.com wish all All Mothers A HaPpY Mothers’ Day.

We pray for more grace and motherly love to cater for your children. We ask for more patience to tolerate and accommodate the stubborn behaviours and naughtiness of your children. We pray that the barren woman will be a proud mother in the forth coming year.

At infochristo.com, we believe in fruitfulness and this must cut across all spheres in life including the fruit of the womb. It is for this reason that we pray that barrenness will be a thing of the past.

To all mothers, we say we love you. Continue to pray for your children and play your motherly role hoping that one day, the fruits of your labour shall surely not be in vain.

Once again, we wish you all mothers, a HaPpY Mothers’ Day.



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