Wo Ne Me Han – A Must Listen Track On Minister Samuel Adu Gyamfi’s Gye W’ayeyi Album


A story is told of a man who virtually had nothing. He was stricken by poverty because he had no job.

He prayed in his heart and said “If only I could secure myself a job, nothing else would be a bother to me” God answered his prayer as he found himself working as a mechanic.

He prayed again in his heart and said: “God, if you could help me get just a single room with one students’ mattress then I will be okay. I need nothing else but this” God granted this request also.

Few months later he went before God again and said: “I wish I had one television, living room furniture and a woman to marry as a wife”

Wo Ne Me Han - Minister Samuel Adu Gyamfi


This explains how insatiable the needs of man are. We are always not satisfied and most of the time, we hunger and thirst for material things to the detriment of our souls. We fail to listen to the Soul’s thirst for God hence seeking him.

“Wo ne me han” – You are my light talks about how a Christian must yearn and thirst for God, understand that God is our only refuge, shield, hope, our Lord and our everything.

Yearning for Jesus means you believe He satisfies every need and meets every requirement of a need in your life.

The psalmist said “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God”. (Psalm 42:1-2 NIV)

If your soul is thirsty for God, I entreat you to listen to Minister Samuel Adu Gyamfi’s “Won ne me han” – You are my light on SoundCloud. Indeed there’s no man capable of meeting our needs to our fill than the Lord Jesus. He meets our need and provides no room for dissatisfaction nor greed.

Please Click to Download The Song: Wo ne me han

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