10 Biblical Health Tit Bits for Christians


If only you could be mindful of these 10 Biblical Health Tit Bits for Christians, then life could be more meaningful and worth living to the fullest. I have had the chance to scan through numerous New Year resolutions of many people, strategic business plans and great investment and financial plans. The biggest mistake Christians and any other persons make is to have wonderful plans in life and neglect plans for their own health to sustain them to do exploit.

Your health is your wealth. Neglect your health in an attempt to accumulate more wealth and you will end up spending your wealth to keep your health. Observe these 10 Biblical Health Tit Bits for Christians if you want to stay healthy, live longer, do exploit and used as a vessel to impact lives.

10 Biblical Health Tit bits for Christians

  1. Simple Obedience Prevents Sickness

It will surprise you to know that simple obedience to the Word of God keeps you away from some sicknesses (Deut. 7:12-15). Disobedience to God is like a virus; it breaks the Christians spiritual immune and defensive systems and makes you susceptible to be attacked by other diseases.

  1. Do Not Neglect Your Own Health

Do not only be interested in planning and developing a good spiritual life and neglect your own health. How can God use you mightily when you are broken down and not strong? Remember, a false balance is an abomination to the Lord (Prov. 11:1)

  1. A Cheerful Heart is A Good Medicine

A cheerful heart is a good medicine for you. A crushed spirit will even affect and dry your bones (Prov. 17:22). Live happily with everyone. Kick out bitterness and all negativities in your life.

  1. Starving and Skipping Meals Without Fasting Is Bad

Do not skip your meals especially breakfast if you are not fasting. You need it to survive.  (Acts 27:34) If you are fasting then, read:10 Tips For Healthy Fasting in order to do it appropriately without future consequences.

  1. Watch What You Eat

Do not eat just anything just because everything has been sanctified and you have the right to do so (Lev. 11:1-4). You are what you eat. As a Christian, be careful of what you eat, where you eat and whom you eat with. Many lives are destroyed through food.

  1. Know Your Allergies

Just as your doctor advises you about your allergies so must you know your spiritual allergies as well. You need to know the things that weaken your physical body and worsen your spiritual life. (Lev. 11:1-4)

  1. Words Heal or Kill:

Words have killed many people, shuttered many dreams, open deadly wounds and emotional scars than any weapon of mass destruction. At the same time, words also bring healing and great motivation to nourish one’s soul. Talk positive, be full of optimism and speak only pleasant words for life and death are in the power of the tongue.

  1. The Word of God is Life and Good Health

“My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man’s whole body” (Prov. 4:20-22)

  1. The Temple of God (Your Body) Must Be Neat & Healthy

It is important to know that your body is not your own; you were bought at a price. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and you are responsible to ensure that the temple is always very neat and holy for the Holy Spirit to live. Failure to adhere to this renders your body defiled which attracts punitive actions from God (1 Cor. 6:19-20)

  1. You Live Longer By Your Own Choice

God has destined you to live longer, achieve your dreams and do exploits as He has fashioned you to function but how long you live depends on you. Your choices, actions, habits and other behaviours weaken your body to perish early or strengthen you to live longer. Avoid anything that wastes your life such as alcohol, drugs and many other corrupt and sinful activities. Remember, whether you live or die, you are the Lords (Rom. 14:8) but your own actions determine how long you live or die soon.

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Writer: Ernest K. Akorli
