22 Reasons Many Celebrity Marriages Fail and Do Not Last

22 Reasons Celebrity Marriages Fail and Do Not Last

22 reasons celebrity marriages fail and do not last? This sounds interesting but real in today's generation. Gleaning through the celebrity marriages of Hollywood...

Stop asking God to give you a good marriage

One of the obvious things that singles and perhaps, the married ones normally do is to pray to God asking Him to give them...

7 Things Offences Can Destroy In Your Relationship & Marriage

Having been a youth worker, a life coach and very active in ministry for some time now, I have seen the damaging consequences of...

20 Habits That Destroy Your Relationship & Marriage Faster

Love is a beautiful thing that can ever happen to you when you meet the right person and you guys really know what to...

13 Reasons To Quit Fake Love & Pretending Relationships

Dear Singles & Married, I welcome you all to the month of February, the month of Love. One of the most disturbing things about matters...

Stop Dreaming About Your Marriage & Start Working On It

Dear singles, there is no love in marriage, no happiness, no care, no pleasure and no bond of friendship. If there's anything like true love, then...

15 Reasons Not To Marry A Pretender

Over the years, I have received many calls and handled many situations of singles who were dating people who were pretending in a...

17 Reasons To Ban Amorous Pre-wedding Photoshoots

Weddings are one of the most solemn and sacred events in anyone’s life that are meant to usher the two would-be couple into the...

When The Devil Has Time For Your Wife

To all the married and single men in a relationship, when the devil had time for Eve and started chatting and whatsapping her, humanity...

10 Reasons Pre-Wedding Photoshoots Aren’t So Important

Weddings are a solemn event that ushers two would-be lovers into marriage. It is a time of preparation in all angles including spiritual matters...