Don’t Stop Because Others Have Already Arrived


Sometimes, if you watch the speed at which some people are moving forward in life, you may be dismayed and greatly worried. It is important to know that, we are all running different races. Don’t stop because others have already arrived.

A 100 or 200 meter race demands fast speed for completion while another person on a 5000 meter race may decide to take it slowly but steadily according to his own pacing. It is an error to reduce your speed based on what you see others do. You might be running different races altogether. It is your race and your vision that will determine your speed in life.

On the day God declared that all species of animals should enter Noah’s Ark, it did not matter which fastest animals got there first. It did not matter which of the animals arrived next. They all went according to their own speed limits in life and that could not discourage the others from moving towards the Ark. Remember, Noah’s Ark never was never shut and never until all the animals entered. Do not think that there is no place for you again all because many people have already gone ahead and arrived. There are more opportunities not explored.

As I pondered on the different races we run in life and more especially, the call of God for all animals to enter the Ark of Noah, I deduced some motivational lessons to share with you.

Reasons Why You Must Not Stop Because Others Have Arrived Already

  1. We All Have Different Races and Different Purpose

Your purpose in life will determine the kind of race you have to run. If you are not careful, you will shift your focus and attention from your own destiny and concentrate your efforts in just watching someone pursue his or her dreams.

  1. How Far You Go Will Determine Your Speed in Life

Whether short or long distance, your speed is determined by your own preparations and attitude. Many people enter a race or start a project not necessarily to emerge victorious but to try and see whether it will work out.

  1. Earlier Arrival Doesn’t Close The Door To Others

Sometimes, some people get discouraged because another person has already stepped ahead of them to achieve similar projects they thought of. The fact that someone has achieved it already does not mean that that door is forever shut behind you. The fastest animals may be the first to reach the Ark of Noah but that would not have shut the Ark. The fact that someone has already achieved a great success in your field of pursuit does not mean you cannot do same or better.

  1. Sometimes, Earlier Arrivers Don’t Get Noticed

Life is very interesting. Sometimes, those who arrive earlier are not really noticed. Whether someone has really made much noise through massive publicity or not, you are of your own kind and a unique person altogether. Keep on moving.

  1. A Late Arrival Sometimes Call For Standing Ovation

After the fastest animals had all arrived earlier, Mr. Tortoise and Mr. Snail now showed up. It wasn’t that they wanted to show off hence came late but they maintained their speed. Surprisingly, the Ark will not be shut because they had not arrived yet. The most important personalities at important function are sometimes, the last to arrive after all is set. I pray that your late arrival in life will cause people to give you a standing ovation.

Don’t stop because others have already arrived.

Don’t pack your tools and stop working.

Don’t get discouraged all because you think people may not even notice you.

Don’t stop because you feel like stopping.

Read Also: Don’t Divorce Your Purpose and Marry Your Fears



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