This is the second part of the article: 10 Rules and Ethics To Observe In Whatsapp Group. I will humbly suggest you click Here to read the Part 1 if you have not yet read this interesting article.
After you are done reading, kindly share your views and experiences about the 10 rules and ethics to observe in Whatsapp groups.
6. Avoid Plagiarism
Social media has made it very easy for people to plagiarize, thus and copy and paste other people’s content without acknowledging the writer or source of such information. Be courteous enough to acknowledge and give honour to the one whom honour is due.

I have come across and queried people who copied my posts and articles, delete my name under it and write their own names. That is a very bad practice.
7. Give Warnings and Viewers Discretion Notice
One of the things you have to learn is to give warnings, short descriptions of videos, audios and pictures and viewers discretion notice before posting for other members to download such contents.

It is a serious offence to send videos, pictures and audios people detest to them. Give a brief description of it for the members to have a fair idea for them to decide whether to download or delete.
Unfortunately, those whose whatsapp settings are on auto download for images, videos and audios will definitely be viewing distasteful materials hence; some people decide to leave some pages or some groups. Remember, highly sensitive and graphical materials are serious offences to some people.
8. Group Pages Are Not Refuse Dumps
Now to the group member who like to copy ‘any’ information and post on group pages, you should be mindful of the purpose of the group. Group pages are not refuse dumps for any post at all. Group Admins should gently remind and caution such individuals of their posts and its impact on group interest in order to sustain the interest of the members.

Group Admins are to know how to handle this caliber of people on the group:
- Copy and Paste Anything
- Miss Parrot – the Talkative Queen
- Madam Gossip – She knows every secret especially irrelevant ones
- Group Comedian – Make group interesting but should be in moderation
- Negative – Always negative and condemning everything, etc.
9. Avoid Personal Discussions in Group Pages
Courtesy demands that discussions between two people in the same group should be done privately and not in groups which may not be of any interest to the other group members.

This habit is very annoying and discouraging especially where one has to read thousands of irrelevant messages. Time spent in reading thousands of messages should worth one’s time and not regret and leave the group.
10. Group Admins Should Follow Up on Members Who Leave
Everyone has the right to the leave groups and ask to join other groups but it is unethical for group admins to remain silent without following up on individuals who decided to leave. Follow ups may reveal reasons why people leave, rules not being adhered, identify offences and other issues which may be affecting the group.
“Too Busy” and “I don’t Care” Group Admin leadership styles may gradually lead to the collapse of such pages. Individuals who may have time to contribute and regularize activities may be added as Admins but not the one who comes online once a week and says “Hello Family! How’s everyone?”
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