All Themes of the Church of Pentecost From 1990 Till Date

All The Themes of the Church of Pentecost From 1990 Till Date

Over the years, the search for the all themes of the church of Pentecost from 1990 till date has not been easy but I have captured them and made them available here. Each year, the Church of Pentecost operates with a unique theme that serves to drive all our activities and focus to achieve a particular target. Above all, all these themes of the Church of Pentecost from 1990 till date have helped to shape the vision and mission of the Church to spread rapidly across the globe.

Brief History

The Church of Pentecost, is one of the largest Pentecost Churches in Ghana founded by Pastor James Mckeown, an Irish Missionary, who came to the Gold Coast in 1937.

The Church of Pentecost, like most great institutions, started in a small way. The Church’s beginnings are linked to the ministry of Pastor James McKeown (1900-1989); an Irish missionary sent by the Apostolic Church, Bradford, United Kingdom (UK), to the then Gold Coast (now Ghana) in 1937 to help a group of believers of the Apostolic Faith led by Rev. Peter Newman who later became the founder of Christ Apostolic Church in a town called Asamankese.

Due to doctrinal differences bed on divine healing, the group split in 1939 into the Christ Apostolic Church and the Apostolic Church, Gold Coast. The latter saw great expansion under Pastor James McKeown. In 1953, a constitutional crisis led to the founding of Gold Coast Apostolic Church lead by Pastor James McKeown.


On the attainment of independence by the country in 1957 and following the changes of its name to Ghana, the Gold Coast Apostolic Church was renamed the Ghana Apostolic Church. The split in 1953 did not end the crisis. New conflicts compelled the then President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency Dr Kwame Nkrumah, to advise the leadership of the Ghana Apostolic Church to adopt a new name in order to foster peace and harmony on the Pentecostal front. Therefore, on August 1, 1962, the new name, The Church of Pentecost, legally replaced the Ghana Apostolic Church.

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Annual Themes

To remain focused and fight for a common goal to achieve a set target depending on the direction and move of the Holy Spirit as the leadership of the Church is being directed, annual themes are given each year. These themes are normally carved from the strategic vision of the church in line with the current chairman’s administration. To ensure that the themes are followed, Bible study materials, thematic topics from the theme, Home cell study materials and sermons are prepared in line with the themes of the church to ensure that the message for the year sinks in the hearts of the members to achieve a set goal.

All The Themes of the Church of Pentecost From 1990 Till Date

1990 – Knowing God’s will – Heb. 10:36

1991 – Building on the foundation – 1 Cor. 3:11

1992 – Remember, Repent and Return – Rev. 2:5

1993 – Know your ministry – Ezra 5:11-12

1994 – Accomplishing your God-given purpose – John 4:34

1995 – Fulfilling your ministry – Acts 6:4

1996 – Remaining true to the faith – Acts 14:19-22

1997 – Equipping for balance growth and service – Eph. 4:12

1998 – Obedience and Action – Gen. 22:1-18

1999 – Covenant Renewal – 2 Chronicles 34:1-31

2000 – Thy Kingdom Come – Matt. 6:10

2001 – Behold, I do a new thing – Isaiah 43:19

2002 – Occupy till I come – Luke 19:13

2003 – Maranatha, Come O’ LORD – 1 Cor. 16:22

2004 – Revive Us, Oh LORD – Hab. 3:2

2005 – Excelling in the demonstration of God’s power – 1 Cor. 2:4-5

2006 – Arise and Shine – Isaiah 60:1

2007 – Building according to the Pentecostal Pattern – Exodus 25:40

2008 – Break up your fallow grounds – Hosea 10:12

2009 – The God of the living is my God for today – Mark 12:26-27

2010 – Being transformed into the image of Christ in a changing world – 2 Cor. 3:18

2011 – Being led by the Spirit of God – Rom. 8:14

2012 – Discipled to make others disciples of Christ – Matt. 28:18-20

2013 – Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth – John 4:23-24

2014 – Fanning the Pentecostal fire to impact generations – 2 Tim. 1:5-6

2015 – Being a Good Steward of God in my Generation – Matt. 25:21

2016 – Hearing and Obeying the LORD’s voice in my Generation – 1 Sam. 3:9-10

2017 – I am an example of Christ in my Generation – 1 Cor. 4:16-17

2018 – Remain in Christ and His Basic Message – 1 John 2:24-25

2019 – I will build my church – Matt. 16:18

2020 – A Glorious church to possess the nations – Eph. 3:12

2021 – A glorious church revived to possessed the nations – Eph. 3:12

2022 – Equipping the Church as an Army to Possess the Nations – Heb. 13:20-21

2023 – Repositioning the Local Church for Maximum Impact to Possess the Nations” – 1 Thess. 2:19-20 & Col. 2:6-7

2024 – A People of God Unleashed to Transform Their World – 1 Peter 2:9 & Acts 1:8

2025 – ?

Theme Songs of the Church of Pentecost

One of the beautiful things of the annual themes of the Church of Pentecost is its accompanying theme songs. These theme songs also come to crystalize and drum home the message of the year to keep members fired on, focused and energized with the power of the Holy Spirit. Which of the theme songs is your favourite? Keep visiting this website for updates on all theme songs.

Check out the 2024 theme of the Church of Pentecost

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