10 things Every Ghanaian Should Expect on December 7 General Elections


Today, Ghana goes to the polls to elect new leaders both the Presidential and Parliamentary candidates but what are Ghanaians likely to experience? Read about the 10 things every Ghanaian should expect on December 7 General elections. Kindly tell us your views and experience after reading and casting your votes.

  1. When Stones Queue To Cast Votes

Aha, we all know that some people will not sleep at all. These are the kinds of people that will leave the house by 3:30am to be the first to queue at the polling stations. Sometimes, they get tired of standing and waiting in the long queue and use stones rather to be form the queue for them. My friend, if you don’t want trouble, respect the stone and be behind it in the queue otherwise, trouble may come.

  1. As You Go Vote, Thieves Visit Your Homes

Before you go out to cast your vote, make sure that your home is securely locked and if possible, there should be someone at home. Remember that thieves have changed their strategy.

  1. Election Craze Everywhere

Everywhere and anywhere you go, people will be talking about politics, who they think will win and who will lose. Whatever be the case, one of the presidential candidates will surely win and the others will lose but remember that mere talks and supports do not win elections; it is by casting your vote.

  1. Social Media Craze and Reports

So many secret filming of pictures and videos of supposedly bad practices to rig the elections will crop up.  Last four years, there were pictures, videos and audio circulations of some people who were voting and stuffing some ballot boxes at home. Be careful what you. Do not risk your own life and indulge in any illegal practices. And be careful what you circulate on social media, it be could be detrimental to the whole nation.

  1. Heartbreaking Reports

Do not follow just any report at all circulated by the media. Most of them may be true but others may be far from the truth as being reported by the media houses.

  1. Violence and Attacks

We have come too far as a nation to use violence and attacks to choose our leaders. Don’t fool and deceive yourselves. Most of you risk your lives for leaders who don’t even know you personally or any of your family members. Just go and cast your vote. Avoid any form of violence and attacks.

  1. There Will Be Some All Night Sessions Listening To Results

Some people will never attend any all-night service in church but on December 7, they will spend the whole night listening to election results without dozing as if they have been paid by the Electoral Commission to monitor the results trickling in.

  1. People Cannot Eat Their Favourite Foods

Do not be afraid, disturbed or worried as to who will win the elections. Just cast your vote and find some food to eat. May be the winners from the presidential and parliamentary will eat better after the results are declared.

  1. No Matter What You Do, You Have Only One Vote

Remember that you have only one vote. No amount of violence will double your votes. Just as you have one vote, you have only one life so do not risk your life to do anything that will cut your life short.

  1. Accidents Emanating from reckless Driving And Rough Riders

Ghana needs you all alive. Your family members need you alive to support them and achieve your vision to make the family proud. Your friends and loved ones are all waiting to see the bright future God has promised you and what you have also promised to achieve in life. Do not kill yourself through reckless driving.

Before you leave us, read this story: Lessons From The Disappointment of A Special Voter



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