10 Reasons To support Someone’s Dream – Part 1


Do you have a dream, a great idea, a very big vision that you want to achieve? Are your goals  the sources of your burning passion in life?

Are you so much consumed by your dreams to the extent that it seems like you are wasting time if you work for someone or with someone? Well, sometimes, you just have to forgo all other works and follow your dreams, your passion and you shall surely succeed one day. At other times too, you don’t get it as you want it and you still have to work for someone to support their dreams, vision and goals to be achieved.

In Genesis 37, Joseph had a dream of becoming a great man in his time but it never happened until he interpreted 2 Prisoners dreams and finally, Pharaoh’s dream. Meanwhile, the Bible did not make mention of someone interpreting his own dreams.

Joseph became the Prime Minister when he decided to put his own dream aside and assist Pharaoh to achieve his dream by working hard to get enough food for Egypt.

Assisting Pharaoh to achieve his dreams made his own dreams to be achieved and fulfilled, hence his ascension to the throne as governor or prime minister. Now let’s learn some lessons from this story.


10 Reasons to Support Someone’s Dreams, Vision and Goal.

  1. Support other people’s dreams and yours too will be supported and achieve

This is a simple law; until you support someone, no one will support you. Like the old saying, ‘scratch my back and I will scratch yours’; you have to make efforts to assist someone to achieve his dreams, vision and goals in life. Joseph’s dream was a bigger dream where he saw the moon, the sun and 11 stars bowing down to him. Without wisdom, you will think that working for someone is the worst mistake ever at the expense of this big dream.

  1. Partnership is key; you cannot do it all alone

Your vision, dream or goals in life are like an elephant. It takes only one person to spot and shoot it to die but it may demand the services of more than 50 able men to carry it home. No matter how big your dreams are, you cannot do it all alone. Everyone needs someone in his or her life. “If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together”, African Proverb.

It is very important to know which people you should partner and who partners you to achieve your dreams. Joseph found himself in the house of Portiphar and Pharaoh which ironically never seemed like a place to achieve his dreams. He moved from one form of slavery to prison which was very discouraging and frustrating. The wisdom here is that, the worst things you might be going through may not be a recipe for disaster against your life but God’s way of preparing you for a breakthrough.

  1. Working for someone is not a waste of time

One of the things I want you to know is that working for someone is not a waste of time at all. To some people, it is the best place to acquire some industrial experience, knowledge and the necessary skills of manning their own enterprises. It is important to work and save some money for your future projects. It is not a healthy idea to start your entire project or business on a loan.

  1. Time to acquire Skill, Knowledge and Wisdom

You are working with some people  because your skills are needed. Know that it is time to develop and sharpen your skills the more but wisdom must be applied. Having a skill is one thing but applying wisdom is another thing that will harness your skills to go farther than just applying your skills. Working with people is also the right time to acquire the necessary skills you want to start your own project based on knowledge and wisdom.

  1. Every Dream is Time Bound

Whatever be the dream you want to achieve, there is a time for everything. Joseph’s dream of becoming a prime minister took several years before it materialized. Be patient but work progressively and aim at achieving your dreams. Your preparations are the most important thing over here. Without it, your dreams will only remain on paper or stuck in your mind.

Click Here to Read the Part 2 if you haven’t read it yet.




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