10 Ways to Turn Your Rejection Into Honour


Theme:          10 Ways to Turn Your Rejection Into Honour

Text:               Matt.13:57-58


… Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honour except in his own country and in his own house. Now He did not do mighty works there because of their unbelief” Matt. 13:57-58.

Jesus made this profound statement when He was rejected by His own people in Nazareth because of their unbelief in Him. Now, let’s reflect and learn some lessons here from the text.

  1. Don’t Look at Your Background

Your background has nothing to do with your future and what God is about doing to uplift you. Jesus Christ was despised because of His background and being born in a poor town, clothed and placed animal’s manger, lived with a carpenter as the father and without any fame or royalty. In Matt.13:57-58, Jesus’ background was a limiting factor that He did not allow it to destroy His ministry. Do not allow anything to destroy your future and your destiny.

  1. Don’t Waste Your Time & Resources

One of the ways of wasting your time, resources and energy is to concentrate on people who don’t recognize your efforts & appreciate it. Remember, Jesus did not do mighty works there. If you want to spend your time life trying please those who do not like you, then you end up being the loser because they will not recognize and appreciate anything you do for them.

  1. Cast Away the Negativity & Bitterness

Jesus did not allow the negativity of His own people & the bitter words spoken about Him to clamp down His potentials. He was even accused of using a demonic spirit called Beelzebub but that did not demotivate Him. Do not pay attention to the negative words of people if only you want to go places and do exploits in life.

  1. Focus on Your Strength

To do exploits, focus on your strength & the ultimate goal & not your weak background.

  1. Move to A Place of Exploits Instead of Limitations

Jesus was born in Nazareth but He did less ministerial work there because it was a place of limitation. Sometimes, you have to relocate to a better environment that is ready to accept you, your vision and offer the necessary support. Do not be stuck in life. Move on.

  1. Your Expectation Vs People’s Expectation

Don’t expect applause from people who don’t want you to explore your potentials in life. Jesus did not expect it from His own people hence, He moved on to those who were expecting Him.

  1. Your Results Must Silence the Insults

You don’t owe your critics explanation for what you can do but rather an implementation of what they believed you cannot do.

  1. Your Critics Cannot Predict Your Future

The fact that someone knows your ugly beginning does not mean they can predict your future. In verse 55, they said, “Is this not Jesus, the carpenter’s son?” What has His father’s carpentry business got to do with His ministry?

  1. Rejection is normal

One of the things you have to know is that rejection is a normal thing in life. You will definitely be rejected one way or the other. The best thing to do is not to put your entire trust in man to reduce the level of your disappointment when the rejection comes.

  1. Those Who Know Their God Will Do Exploits

Most of the time, you do not need the endorsement of men to make it in life but the Spirit of God for enforcement of that which men discarded and did not approve. Indeed, those who know their God shall do exploits.

Live your dreams today.

Think about it
Reflect on it &
Make efforts today


Lord Jesus, thank you for the revelation into your Word. Assist me to locate areas where I can do exploits for you. Please give me the strength to overcome my weak background. I destroy every limitation in my life. Let not my expectations be cut off but let those who want my downfall see my exploits in life. In Jesus’ Name I Pray. Amen.

God bless you for reading. Kindly share with friends and comment to tell us how blessed you were reading this. In case of any counseling or prayer support, please forward your requests to infochristo1@gmail.com.



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