The Answer to Barrenness is Prayer – 5 Lessons to Turn Your Barrenness to Fruitfulness



Life is full of so many struggles. Living and serving God does not exclude Christians from going through some trials, difficult times and challenges everyone goes through in the world. In the heart of human struggles lies the divine promise of breakthroughs. In Genesis 25:19-24, we’re thrust into a narrative etched with hope and framed by the miraculous—a tale of barrenness transcended by the power of prayer. This passage isn’t merely a historical anecdote but a profound testament to the transformative might of fervent supplication in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Join us as we delve into the profound lessons within these verses, unraveling the timeless truth that prayer holds the key to unlocking barrenness and ushering in the miraculous. When done reading the answer to barrenness is prayer – 5 lessons to turn your barrenness to fruitfulness, tell us your views by either commenting or sharing this article.


The answer to barrenness is prayer – Isaac interceded for his wife’s barrenness to turn to fruitfulness. The answer to a finishing resource is prayer – Rebekah and Ishmael cried to the LORD. The answer to a raging storm is a prayer of declaration – Jesus Christ said to the storm – Peace be still. The answer to any fruitless situation after all efforts is prayer.

Lessons to learn from the scripture


1. Any form of intercession or prayer that is birthed from love yields results: There are three foundations for praying and interceding for someone

  • – Out of compassion
  • – Out of love
  • – Out of ministry

Isaac loved Rebecca so dearly. The prayer of a loving husband is a powerful prayer. The prayer of a loving wife works miracles in the life of the husband. Instead of Isaac involving the wife in a joint moment of fasting and prayers, he asked the wife to step aside. Sometimes, your partner could be so down to the extent that you need to do the warfare alone on his or her behalf.

2. Gen. 15:6 – His father Abraham believed or trusted God and it was counted to him as righteous but Isaac went beyond trusting God into intercession.

Apostle James testified of Abraham’s faith and quoted him in James 2:23 that because of that faith in Gen. 15:6, he became known as the friend of God. A friend of God has access to God without restrictions and some protocols to observe. A friend of God can tell God easily about anything that is wrong in his marriage. You cannot be the friend of the president and you will still be struggling with joblessness. You cannot be the friend of the president and you will still be struggling with some opportunities. Abraham’s friendship with God means he is a friend to the God that creates babies in the womb. You cannot have the best friend in this world who is well positioned but be struggling in life. If you don’t know the reasons for which God has connected you to some people, you may die at the gates of opportunities.

Isaac learnt from his father’s mistakes. I trust God but that same Bible said ask and it shall be given to you. I trust God but I shall keep on praying… it doesn’t mean I doubt. If you don’t learn from the mistakes of the fathers, your blessings may be delayed. May you never suffer and struggle in life after having all the connections in this world.

3. In your marriage and in life, direct the impossible and difficult problems to God: Abraham complained to God – Gen. 15:3 – But you have given me no child. Jacob sad down doing nothing about Rachel’s barrenness until Rachel said – Give me a child or a I die – Gen. 30:1. But Isaac learnt to intercede.

4. Know when to pray and when to intercede: Prayer is talking to God about anything but intercession is talking for others and standing in the gap for others. Isaac did not pray for himself but for Rebekah his wife and that is intercession. Isaac stood in the gap for the wife. Isaac cried onto God for his wife to have a child. Isaac learnt intercession but the Bible said prayed or pleaded for his wife. The Bible is not wrong because if you pray for your wife, you pray for yourself. Eph. 5:28, he who loves his wife loves himself.

5. Learn to protect and preserve your place of comfort: Gen. 24:67 – Isaac’s love for his wife brought him comfort after his mother’s death. If you don’t learn to protect and preserve that which brings you comfort, it will rather bring you discomfort in life. One single frown on the face of your wife is enough to disorganize you. One little complain of a woman is enough to give you sleepless nights. Young man, if you do not fight for that which brings comfort to your woman, you will not have peace in life and that is why Rachel said “Give you a child or I die”.

What lessons have you learnt from the Answer to Barrenness is Prayer – 5 Lessons to Turn Your Barrenness to Fruitfulness?



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