My Advice To Upcoming Authors – Ferdinard Senyo Lawson


As an upcoming author, you must learn to celebrate those who have been successful in writing if you want to become a successful and celebrated author too.

Many people fail to write their books because they have failed to support, celebrate and buy other author’s book. Wisdom and success are buried in someone else’s book you are failing to buy.

The world can only celebrate those who learn to celebrate others in their small way. Whatever you want to become in life; someone has already been there and done it. It takes your humility to learn how they did it or are doing it for you to become like them in your own way.

When you fail to appreciate, celebrate and support others for their achievements and success; you lock up yourself in the dark room of failure and desperation. When this happens, you will not know what and how to achieve your own success in the things you live or want to become.

Never ever come to the point to think that you are better off doing things on your own without humbling yourself to seek for intelligent advice, counsel or input from mentors who have gone ahead of you. Nothing frustrates a dream like ego and pride. Don’t let your ego and pride deny you of the wisdom and kind supports mentors have for you just as the saying goes, “No one knows it all”. Successful people have mentors they follow and take advice from. Who is your mentor? What attitude do you have when you meet successful mentors?  Do you see them as co-equal or as a match to them? One of the worst ways to fail as a mentees is to see your mentor as a competitor.


No matter how wise and intelligent you have become in whatever you do; you can never be wiser than your forerunners.  It takes a lot of humility and respect to become successful in life. These days, we have so many ‘mushroom’ successful people in town. They sprang up into success thinking their achievements and success will last only for it to fade under pressure. Some have become so proud and arrogant in their character and behaviours towards those who have gone ahead of them forgetting that, these were the ones who set the pace, charted the cause and blazed the path for them to gain knowledge and how to start to write a book or do something useful and meaningful in life

My advice to these individuals is that, they should never disregard, disrespect and undermine anyone or mentors who have sacrificed and laid down their privileges to blaze the path for you to walk in. We must learn to appreciate, celebrate and support others especially those who have motivated, inspired and encouraged and have become the ladder on which we parade our success and achievements.

You can never become great and successful like the person you resent about. Avoid being resentful and envious about those who have achieved some success but rather, learn to cultivate the attitude to admire and listen to other successful people. This is how you become successful as an author or whatever you desire and wish to be successful in.

Mentees who have been successful in their trade were individuals who were ready and had open mind and humble heart to listen and learn from the successful authors. Most people fail to succeed or even write their books simply because they have become over familiar with those they admire and take advice from.

Familiarity kills dreams and aspirations. Mentors are ladders mentees climb to reach their destiny. Being familiar with your mentors can create unhealthy competition and “I Can do it better than you attitude” which in turns kills and corrode the drive to learn from successful mentors.

Most mentees stop learning or speaking to their mentors simply because they have little information about how to do it or achieve something. Some even think they have arrived and don’t need the help of the mentor. You see, no matter how beautiful a flower looks on the tree, it can’t be admired if it cuts itself off the branch or the tree. As emerging authors, never think you have it all in life. Don’t forget to know this truth that, life is constantly changing and whatever you have learnt or have received from a mentor may not last without you staying connected and hooked with that branch to keep inspiring and motivating you into success.

Be ready and crave to learn and learn more from those you claimed to be your mentors. Read after them, create time to attend their seminars and keep yourself updated with the change in their lives and the world around them. Be humbled to learn from mentors so as to live your dream and become a successful author.

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Ferdinard Lawson graduated from Sussex University and holds a BSc Degree in Public Health and Social Care. He is the Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C (FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker and Publication Consultant. He is a Multiple Awards Winning Author, Public Speaker and a Lifestyle Coach. He has published many inspirational, motivational books, and leadership books and full member of the Royal society for Public Health. England. He is currently the Co-Chairman of Mega (Kingston Hospital Trust)


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