Life is More Precious Than Silver And Gold.


“The value of life is more precious than silver, gold and diamond put together”, Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

I grew up in a community where love was seen, felt, and shared without any ulterior motive. My late grandmother made sure that the sheep in the next neighbour’s house never went hungry. Where is the love in our communities now?

These days, we have become judges, lawyers and executioners of each other. Genuine love has evaporated from among us. Greed, jealousy, wickedness, lynching and setting of innocent lives on fire have now taken the better parts of us. Where is the love we were once taught, given, and made to share? Nowadays, it has become normal for some people to kill, steal, and destroy friends, sisters, brothers, and even parents for the sake of being rich and wealthy. We can’t live like this. We can’t carry on like this and we must not die like this where the very people or person we were meant to express love, care and protection for is lynched, beaten, hit, punched, and stoned to death in the name of silver and gold.

The value of life is more precious than silver, gold and diamond put together. This is why love is the greatest thing anyone can give a friend, brother, sister, family parent and even our enemies. Jesus Christ knew the value of love so He commanded us to even love our enemies when they wrong us. Why? Because He first loved us and gave His life for us. He demonstrated this by dying a painful death on the cross just to teach us how to love and to know the price of love for each other. We must stand as Ghanaians to go back to our first love; the love we used to share amongst us all, the love that made us to share our school food, gari and shito, sardines and the tin of milk with the next student lying or sleeping on empty stomach.

Let’s unite against the killing of our brothers and sisters for ritual, galamsey, ‘get rich quick’ and building big houses. We must arise and stand against false teachings about money, wealth and prosperity. Enough is enough of these lynching, killing and burning of fellow human beings. May God forgive us all for the atrocities and barbaric killing of the young military major. Major Maxwell Mahama, may your soul rest with the Lord.


We as Ghanaians are very sorry for what we did to you. We are very sorry. Yes, we killed your body, but we couldn’t touch your spirit and soul. Please forgive us and forgive Ghana for the sake of your children and descendants.

May God hear us from heaven and heal our lands so that His mercy, favour and restoration will return to our motherland Ghana. So help us Lord. AMEN.




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