Stop asking God to give you a good marriage

Stop asking God to give you a good marriage

One of the obvious things that singles and perhaps, the married ones normally do is to pray to God asking Him to give them good marriages. Though that is good, you have to reflect and reconsider your prayer and know whether you are making a mistake and or praying in vain?

The point is, there is no good marriage anyhow that God will give you so stop fasting and praying asking God to give you one. It is two good people that come together to make a good marriage. Whether your marriage will be the perfect one, the perfect example until others and the one that depicts the glory and blessings of God or not depends on the character of two people that come together and decide to make it work. Listen me, God can connect you to even an angel but it is the very things you do and how you handle that angel that matters and will go a long way to determine the success of the relationship and the marriage.

Marriage is a decision and a journey of two people. Can two people walk together? No, unless they agree (Amos 3:3). When two good people decide to walk together in love and understanding, we can be assured of seeing a good and a better marriage. When two bad people come together and decide to put aside their evil ways and live together in love and understanding, you may have a good marriage. In the same way, the decision of two good and religious couple that have decided to serve God and remain obedient to His word, love each other and remain committed will make a better marriage.

There is nothing like asking God to give you a good marriage when you are living a careless and reckless sinful life. The very things you do today may either work for your marriage or work against it. It is not everything that can be corrected through fasting and prayers. If the foundation of your marriage is destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3). Live your life with understanding and know how the principles of God concerning marriage work. Stop asking God to give you a good marriage, instead, ask Him to make you a better person.  



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