22 Reasons Celebrity Marriages Fail and Do Not Last

22 Reasons Many Celebrity Marriages Fail and Do Not Last

22 reasons celebrity marriages fail and do not last? This sounds interesting but real in today’s generation. Gleaning through the celebrity marriages of Hollywood Stars, Nollywood and of course, Ghallywood and Kumawood, one can see the many collapsed or failed marriages among celebrities. No one saves money to marry his or her enemy. Whoever you decide to finally settle down with in holy matrimony is considered worth it after several moments of prayer and considerations. The question is “How did you meet your life partner and what are the factors that convinced you to move on with that person?” The number of divorce cases among people together celebrity marriages that fail and do not last is heartbreaking and too alarming. In this article, I want us to throw more light on who a celebrity is, what is celebrity marriage and 22 reasons celebrity marriages fail and do not last but collapse within a short time.

Who is a celebrity?

According to Wikipedia, a celebrity is a condition of fame and broad public recognition of a person or group as a result of the attention given to them by mass media. The focal point here or attention centers on achievement, beauty, entertainment or any other peculiar to that person that might have gone viral to attract attention and followers. Over the years, becoming a celebrity comes in many twists and turns as a lot of people rush to do just anything in order to reach the limelight and be tagged a ‘celebrity’. While some people are being celebrated or become popular for the wrong things that add no impact to society and personal growth and development, some known and celebrated for their hard work, achievements and recognitions in a particular field of endeavour.

What is celebrity marriage?

Celebrity marriage can be defined as a short-lived union between two famous people. Such celebrity marriages fail and do not last. Another term by Wikipedia that defines celebrity marriage is the term “Hollywood marriage” which originally meant a glamorous high society marriage between celebrities involved in the U.S. film industry, as “Hollywood” is a common metonymous term for that industry; such marriages are more commonly known as supercouples in modern parlance. However, the term has grown to also have strong negative connotations of a marriage that is of short duration and quickly ends in separation or divorce. The term developed the negative connotations fairly early; by the 1930s, a “Hollywood marriage” was a marriage both glamorous and short-lived.

Unfortunately, some of these marriages fail and hit the rock without hours after it was being officiated and blessed by priests. In January 2004, Britney Spears and Alexander Jason got married and divorced within 56 hours later. While Nicolas Cage and Erika Koike’s marriage lasted for only 4 days in the history of celebrity marriages that fail, a lot of celebrity couples have also managed to stay together for that long. The longest celebrity marriage in the history of the world has been between Irving Benson and Lillian Waldowsky who spent 79 years and 105 days.

According to a study out of the U.K. based Marriage Foundation, celebrities have a divorce rate of around 40% within a ten year period. The divorce rate for the same ten year period is approximately 20% in the U.K. and 30% in the U.S. The Marriage Foundation tracked 572 celebrity couples married since 2000. They conclude, “Despite all the comforts and advantages of fame and wealth, these celebrities divorce at twice the rate of the UK population.”

22 Reasons celebrity marriages fail do not last but collapse

1. Love and marriage is not dramatic as they act in the movies: Love and marriage demand realism. In marriage, you are not acting according to the script of the movie writer and director but according to your own script and according to the script both of you have written as you want your marriage to be. Movies are full of makeups to entertain large audience but in marriage, you make things happen to suit both of you. It is very easy to act and showcase a particular attitude for others to emulate but to live by such virtues yourself call for character, determination and the grace of God.

2. Over exposure of your marriage to the public leads to exposure to all forms of attacks. Celebrity couples must learn to build and do some things in silence. When you build in silence and do many other things not exposed to the camera and for social media hype, people cannot monitor your life, marriage and attack you and your marriage. You must learn to do some things behind closed doors, else your celebrity marriage may fail and you will become a laughing stock.

3. Developing a career without growing yourself up: The mistake many people make in life is to devote all their life trying very hard to develop their career and leave behind growing up in character, deeds, speech and in the LORD. Hard work and consistency in whatever you do can open doors for you but it takes character to keep the doors still open and connect other doors. If you do not grow up and leave the elementary lifestyle behind you, no one can live with you in marriage.

4. Busy schedules and living apart: One of the worst reasons for which celebrity marriages collapse and do not last is busy schedules and staying apart especially in another region, different country or different continent far away. Couples that do not stay together grow apart and finally part ways.

5. When pride, ego and too much pomp and pageantry take the center stage of your life. Celebrity marriages have become a show off, a competition and an unnecessary pressure to put up shows and attitudes to become the talk of town and remain trendy. Celebrity marriage couples are always concerned about what the public will say and report in the news about them but not what matters to each other in the marriage.

6. The opportunity to meet different people and travel at any time. Celebrities are always seen globetrotting from one place to another. They have the opportunity to meet different people and most of them could be immoral and loose people who are always ready to stoop low, have a taste of your body, drain your account or have a gold mine in your life.

7. Use of juju, occult and marine spirits to rise to fame and to snatch a life partner: Many celebrities have resorted to the use of fetism. They consult mediums, marine spirits and other occult powers to enable them to rise to fame. Others also use these same demonic powers to snatch the husbands and wives of other celebrities. Unfortunately, these evil powers have expiring dates; they can only assist you for a short time and later destroy everything around you.

8. Lack of the fear of God and when God is absent in life and marriage: Many celebrities never seek to serve the LORD, worship and live for Him but rather sought after the praises and worship of their fans. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10) and that wisdom guides and protects your life, destiny and marriage. Without the fear of the LORD, you will miss His divine directions and will concerning your life, marriage and your purpose on this earth. Unfortunately, the lascivious lives lived and displayed by many celebrities shows that they do not have any fear and reverence for God simply because they have the masses following them, they are always in the news and have acquired some properties so God is out of the equation. Your celebrity marriage will fail if you do not acknowledge and honour God in your life.

9. Mismanagement of fame and opportunities:  Fame can make and unmake you in life. When you become popular today, you have to manage the opportunities, the favours and the grace of God upon your life today. Many celebrity marriages have failed and others ended their lives becoming paupers because they mismanaged the opportunities and fame God bless them with. Remember that you may not always be in the limelight; you may not be always be in the news, be the most sought-after and stay relevant beyond the next decade. Think about your life and manage the opportunities and fame you have now.

10. When celebritism meets you unexpectedly without strategy to balance your life: To a lot of people who have become suddenly popular and the talk of town, they experienced runaway fame. They least expected it at the time they have no knowledge on what to do to manage their lives, fame, opportunities and courtesies when dealing with people. When fame meets and overtakes you without knowledge on how to manage your life, you are likely to be in the news for the wrong reasons.

11. Easily falling into sin, fornication and adultery: The entertainment industry is laced with high level of temptation on set due to roles celebrities are asked to play in the movies. Nude scenes and sometimes, highly erotic roles being played with opposite sex can be really disturbing. In making attempt to act very well to look real, many celebrities with weak moral values may fall prey to these things. As a result, the entertainment industry is plagued with lots of dirty sexual scandals.  

12. Attending wild party events: Attaining the status of celebrity, remaining seen and becoming relevant is characterized with attending programs, parties and other flashy events. Most of these wild party programs are normally laced with alcoholism, hookup intentions, one night stand sex and other weird stuffs considered inappropriate, mundane and a chasing after the wind.

13. Upholding nudity over modesty: Becoming a celebrity these days is turning to become a cheap status where the celebrities uphold nudity over modesty. The more you show more skin, the more followers you have and the more influential you become. When female celebrities who show more skin get married, they become sex icons and many men will be hitting on them as they become a source of lust to people. Bad habits in exposing your body destroy relationships and marriages more than the 22 reasons celebrity marriages fail and do not last.

14. Struggle for power and superiority: Celebrity marriages are sometimes faced with power struggles as both men and women tend to have lots of money and do not want to depend on the other. As a result, they tend to do things without informing the other partner which may lead to problems.  A multimillion married celebrity woman that is far richer than the husband may find it difficult to submit and may want to take matters into her own hands without even discussing some matters first with the husband.

15. Frequently meeting and spending time with attractive and charming industry players: One of the major challenges of being a celebrity is the risk of always meeting and working with fellow beautiful, charming and richer industry players who come your way all the time and sometimes, try to have a fling with you. Sometimes, some of them present themselves as irresistible, offer you opportunities and other services

16. Growing apart will eventually tear the marriage apart: In marriage, you are either growing, maturing and developing together or growing apart as couples. Couples that stay apart due to busy work schedules grow and develop apart. You learn from each other when you stay together as husband and wife but not as occasional lovers.

17. High level of temptation on set: Every occupation has its own hazards but to be in the entertainment industry, it becomes a high-level temptation that takes lot of energy, discipline and the fear of God to overcome. In the entertainment industry, sex and immorality have become a common trade object where people just meet and have sex if they feel like doing it and get away when done. Having acted a movie before myself, I would say that high level of temptation is one of the most dangerous among the 22 reasons celebrity marriages fail and do not last. This is because these temptations can easily corrupt your morals and destroy your faith.

18. Pressure to impress the public but not God and partner. Celebrity marriages may fail and not last because celebrity couples are always under pressure to put up shows and impress the public instead of God. Pressure and unnecessary competition from fellow celebrities may cause you to live a fake life. Recently, one female celebrity in Ghana confessed that on several occasions, she borrowed a car from a male friend and posted it on social media that she owned the new car. Pressure to impress people has caused a lot of them to live fake lives and you cannot use fake lives to succeed in marriage. Realities will stare you in the face.  

19. Marrying for money and fame and not love: According to Michael Odion, an artiste manager, all celebrities are not wealthy and rich as most fans think; the glamour is often part of the show, which the promoters put up. “When a gold-digger marries a celebrity for his/her money and later discovers that there is no money, the marriage will not last”, he says.

20. Effects of media reportage on the little things about your life and marriage: The media is a powerful tool. It can make you popular within the shortest possible time and it can also make you unpopular and a disgusting person in the eyes of people. While celebrity couples try to mind their mind business and live their lives, the business of the media is to follow and monitor both your private and public life for news. Mostly, gossips, rumours and allegedly false stories are reported each day about celebrity marriages and couples who may have no bearing and substance at all. The media has destroyed many relationships and marriages and at the same time, enhanced others.

For instance, Kareem Badeh, a showbiz promoter, says most celebrities are insecure about something, and there is always one gossip about them, and when the media spotlights the rumour, an already shaky marriage seeks the divorce option.  “Most divorce cases among celebrities emanate from rumours of infidelity, domestic violence or shady deals. But they spread like wildfire and often out of hand as most celebrities have no time to find out the true situations”.

21. Desire of bloggers to dig into your past for viral posts: The desire to be rich quicker, attract more traffic to their websites and YouTube accounts have caused many bloggers and vloggers to publish many false stories about celebrities and celebrity marriages. In fact, many bloggers and vloggers have done more harm than good to many celebrity marriages leading to its failure. In recent time, some celebrities have started suing media houses for false publications tarnishing their image and brands.  

22. Celebrity marriages are not for show. You must sit down and count the cost if you want to marry a celebrity. You must have strategies to stay connected and remain faithful each other. Remember, a loose and an immoral person will always attract their kind. In marriage, you attract and marry your kind. Your life partner is a reflection of your hidden character.

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How can celebrity marriages last?

The 22 reasons celebrity marriages fail and do not last can happen in anyone’s marriage just like any other marriage. However, partners can have a successful marriage if both partners understand the basics of love and are ready to embrace the responsibilities associated with falling in love, walking in love and remaining in love and adhering to Biblical principles of living life. Marriage calls for work, a little more work, a continuous work and a lifetime work. Celebrities can work and act on part time but not marriage. You cannot put your marriage on hold and activate it later as you want when you are serious about it. The moment one partner stops working and stops playing his or her roles, it affects the other partner who carries the burden of responsibility all alone.

Celebrity marriages can also stand and survive the storms of challenges and divorce when partners tend to rely on God, trust Him and act on His word. Celebrity marriage is not like acting in the movies according to the scripts of the writer but according to the will and word of God. Marriage was created and established by God Himself and if it must be done, it must be done in the way of God.

It is not an easy thing to be a celebrity and then go into celebrity marriage. There are expectations from people, your family and the society. These expectations can put a high demand on you, your career and your marriage.

Will you marry a celebrity if you meet one and fall in love?

After going through all the 22 reasons celebrity marriages fail and do not last, you will know that marrying a celebrity is not a bad idea and a curse. The most important thing is the genuine love of connection between the couples, adhering to the will and word of God. Above all, the readiness of the two celebrity couples to make the marriage work is what matters. Marriage calls for work, if both of you are not ready to work at it then forget about having a future together. Before you get into celebrity marriage, ensure that your marriage will not be part of the list of celebrity marriages that fail and do not last.

Another important thing to consider before going into celebrity marriage is to ensure that your partner is really born again, committed as a Christian and you are sure that it is the will of God for you and your celebrity partner to go into such marriage. You need to sit down and count the cost of such marriages.

22 Reasons Celebrity Marriages Fail and do not last. What are your views?

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