150 Christmas Sermon Topics and Ideas with Scriptures


150 Christmas sermon topics and ideas with scripture references? Yes, indeed, I have managed to create 150 Christmas sermon topics and ideas for preachers and pastors who may seem stuck and not knowing what to prepare and preach. One of the most challenging things pastors and preachers normally face is not knowing what to prepare and preach ahead of time. I must admit that the impact and the power of God at work in any sermon is directly through the influence of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul said, “For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you” (1 Cor. 11:23) and this implies that you can only give the message of God to God’s people after you have received from God through the inspiration and direction of His Holy Spirit.

These 150 Christmas sermon topics and ideas with scripture references only comes in to serve as a guide, an eye opener and to unleash your spirit of creativity. You should not be stuck as a pastor or preacher and continue recycling just one or two Christmas messages when there are a thousand message ideas you can use. I pray the LORD gives you illumination, utterance and divine insight into any of the topics below that catches your eyes, pricks your mind and fills your heart. Remember, the topic that catches your attention for reflection could be the one the Holy Spirit may be directing you to pay attention for more insight and understanding to write your sermon. Wishing you all the best in this Christmas season and ministration.

150 Christmas Sermon Topics and Ideas with Scriptures

1. The Miracle of God being among us – John 1:14

2. The Messiah has come, the promise is fulfilled – Isaiah 9:6


3. His plan, His birth, His divine intervention – Luke 2:1-20

4. Exploring the importance of the virgin birth – Matthew 1:23

5. The Season is Christmas: The Reason is Jesus Christ – Micah 5:2

6. Mary’s Divine Encounter – And the prophetic mysteries unfolding – Luke 1:46-55

7. God’s Divine Plan – Mary’s Purpose is His Will – Luke 1:26-38

8. The lineage of Jesus and Mysteries Unfolding – Matt. 1:1-17

9. The Light of the World is Jesus – John 8:12

10. My Response – My Worship of the New Born King – Luke 2:8-20

11. The Angelic Visitations – Divine Announcers of God’s Plan – Luke 2:8-14

12. When Kings Worship the King of Kings – Matthew 2:1-12

13. When the Star Appears – God directs – Matthew 2:2

14. From Manger to Manager of the World – Jesus, the Humble Son of God – Philippians 2:5-8

15. His Name shall be called Immanuel – Isaiah 7:14

16. The Gift of God is the Reason For the Season of Christmas – Ephesians 2:8-9

17. God – the Ultimate Giver to save mankind – 2 Corinthians 9:15

18. He came because of love and left after giving us His love – 1 John 4:9-10

19. Exploring the divine truths and lessons from Mary and Joseph – Matthew 1:24, Luke 1:38

20. Christmas without the message of Christ is just social gathering – Isaiah 58:6-11

21. Recognizing the Redeemer – Lessons from Old Simeon and Anna – Luke 2:25-38

22. His Love, His Peace – The Essence of Christmas – Luke 2:14

23. The Incarnational Theology of Christmas” – John 1:1-18

24. Giving brings salvation – Matthew 2:11

25. On the way to Bethlehem – Exploring the obedience of Christ – Luke 2:1-5

26. Understanding the righteousness of Joseph – Matthew 1:18-25

27. The Christmas Candle: A Symbol of Jesus – the Greater light for the world – John 1:5

28. Mary’s Journey: Faith in the Face of the Unknown – Luke 1:39-45

29. Christmas and the Call to Share the Gospel – Matthew 28:18-20

30. Christmas and Christian Unity: Celebrating as One Body – Ephesians 4:3

31. The Angelic Proclamation: Good News of Great Joy – Luke 2:10-11

32. The Word Became Flesh: Theology of Incarnation – John 1:14

33. The Christmas Star: A Heavenly Sign – Matthew 2:9

34. The Redemption Story: Christmas in the Larger Narrative – Genesis 3:15

35. Christ, Our Emmanuel: God with Us in Every Season – Matthew 1:23

36. The Christmas Tree: A Symbol of Everlasting Life – Revelation 22:2

37. The Shepherd’s Role in the Christmas Story – Luke 2:8

38. Christmas and the Concept of Joy – Luke 2:10

39. The Angelic Announcement: Proclaiming Good News to All – Luke 2:8-14

40. The Innkeeper: Lessons in Hospitality and Regret – Luke 2:7

41. Jesus, the New Adam: Christmas and Redemption – 1 Corinthians 15:22

42. Christmas and the Call to Reconciliation – 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

43. The Gifts of the Spirit: A Christmas Reflection – 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

44. Mary and Elizabeth: A Lesson in Mutual Encouragement – Luke 1:39-45

45. Christmas and the Concept of Hope – Romans 15:13

46. The Christmas Feast: A Celebration of God’s Abundance – Psalm 23:5-6

47. The Incarnation and the Mystery of the Trinity – Matthew 28:19

48. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple – Luke 2:22-38

49. Christmas and the Concept of Peace – Isaiah 9:6

50. The Lamb of God: Christmas and the Atonement – John 1:29

51. The Christmas Spirit: Beyond the Seasonal Celebrations – Galatians 5:22-23

52. The Announcement to the Shepherds: A Divine Revelation – Luke 2:8-14

53. The Journey of the Magi: A Quest for the King – Matthew 2:1-12

54. Christmas and the Concept of Grace – Ephesians 2:8

55. The Christmas Table: A Symbol of Communion – Luke 22:19

56. The Heavenly Host: Praising God for the Savior – Luke 2:13-14

57. Christmas and the Call to Holiness – 1 Peter 1:16

58. The Redemptive Power of Christmas: From Darkness to Light – Col. 1:13-14

59. The Gift of God’s Presence: A Christmas Reflection – Exodus 33:14

60. The Nativity Scene: Depicting the Miracle of Christmas – Luke 2:1-20

61. The Joy of Christmas: A Spiritual Perspective – Galatians 5:22

62. The Christmas Feast: A Celebration of God’s Provision – Philippians 4:19

63. The Word Became Flesh: Christmas and the Bible – John 1:14

64. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: A Christmas Meditation – 1 Corinthians 12:8-10

65. Christmas and the Call to Serve Others – Galatians 5:13

66. The Redeeming Love of Christmas: A Gospel Reflection – Romans 5:8

67. The Christmas Cradle: A Symbol of Divine Humility – Philippians 2:7

68. The Hope of Christmas: Anticipating Christ’s Return – Titus 2:13

69. The Birth of Jesus: A Revolutionary Event in History – Galatians 4:4-5

70. The Christmas Tree: A Reminder of God’s Everlasting Presence – Jeremiah 10:10-13

71. Christmas and the Concept of Forgiveness – Colossians 3:13

72. The Annunciation to the Shepherds: A Message of Salvation – Luke 2:8-14

73. Christmas and the Call to Worship – Psalm 95:6

74. The Gift of Peace: A Christmas Reflection – John 14:27

75. The Star of Bethlehem: Guiding Us to Christ – Numbers 24:17

76. The Light of Christ: Dispelling Darkness in Our Lives – John 1:5

77. Christmas and the Call to Generosity – 2 Corinthians 9:7

78. The Birth of Jesus: A Humble Beginning with Profound Impact – Luke 2:7

79. The Magi’s Gifts: Surrendering Our Treasures to God – Matthew 2:11

80. Christmas and the Concept of Unity in Christ – Ephesians 4:4-6

81. The Joy of Christmas: Rejoicing in the Savior’s Birth – Luke 2:10

82. The Angelic Choir: Praising God for His Redemption – Luke 2:13-14

83. Christmas and the Call to Repentance – Matthew 4:17

84. The Gift of Christmas: Jesus as God’s Ultimate Present – 2 Corinthians 9:15

85. The Wise Men: Responding to God’s Guidance – Matthew 2:9-11

86. Christmas and the Concept of Faith – Hebrews 11:1

87. The Birth of Jesus: A Miracle Foretold in Prophecy – Isaiah 7:14

88. The Christmas Candle: Illuminating the Darkness – John 1:4-5

89. The Hope of Christmas: Anticipating Christ’s Birth – Luke 2:25-32

90. The Christ Candle: Symbolizing the Light of Christ – John 8:12

91. Christmas and the Call to Discipleship – Matthew 4:19

92. The Significance of the Manger in the Christmas Story – Luke 2:7

93. The Gifts of the Spirit: A Christmas Reflection – 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

94. Christmas and the Call to Humility – Philippians 2:5-8

95. The Christmas Star: A Guiding Light in Our Lives – Matthew 2:2

96. The Birth of Jesus: A New Beginning for Humanity – 2 Corinthians 5:17

97. The Shepherds’ Response: A Lesson in Obedience – Luke 2:15-20

98. The Incarnation: God’s Expression of Love – 1 John 4:9

99. Christmas and the Call to Share the Gospel – Mark 16:15

100. The Gifts of Christmas: Love, Joy, Peace, and Hope – Galatians 5:22-23

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Other sermon topics and ideas for 150 Christmas Sermon Topics and Ideas with Scriptures include:

101. The Star of Bethlehem: Following God’s Guidance – Matthew 2:1-2

102. The Christmas Table: A Place of Fellowship and Love – 1 Corinthians 10:16-17

103. The Annunciation: Mary’s Willingness to Serve – Luke 1:38

104. Christmas and the Concept of Gratitude – Colossians 3:15

105. The Birth of Jesus: A Gift of Grace and Mercy – Titus 2:11

106. The Nativity Scene: A Visual Representation of God’s Love – Luke 2:1-20

107. The Shepherd’s Role in the Christmas Story – Luke 2:8-20

108. The Christmas Fast: Preparing Our Hearts for Christ – Isaiah 58:6-12

109. The Simeon and Anna: Recognizing the Redeemer – Luke 2:25-38

110. Christmas and the Message of Peace – Luke 2:14

111. The Incarnational Theology of Christmas – John 1:1-18

112. The Gifts of the Magi: Offering Our Best to Jesus – Matthew 2:11

113. Rahab, Ruth, and Tamar: Women in Jesus’ Genealogy – Matthew 1:5

114. The Role of Joseph: A Righteous Man’s Journey – Matthew 1:18-25

115. The Christmas Candle: A Symbol of Christ’s Light – John 1:5

116. Mary’s Journey: Faith in the Face of the Unknown – Luke 1:39-45

117. Christmas and the Call to Share the Gospel – Matthew 28:18-20

118. Christmas and Christian Unity: Celebrating as One Body – Ephesians 4:3

119. The Angelic Proclamation: Good News of Great Joy – Luke 2:10-11

120. The Word Became Flesh: Theology of Incarnation – John 1:14

121. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: A Christmas Meditation – 1 Cor. 12:8-10

122. Christmas and the Call to Serve Others – Galatians 5:13

123. The Redeeming Love of Christmas: From Darkness to Light – Romans 5:8

124. The Christmas Cradle: A Symbol of Divine Humility – Philippians 2:7

125. The Hope of Christmas: Anticipating Christ’s Return – Titus 2:13

126. The Birth of Jesus: A Revolutionary Event in History – Galatians 4:4-5

127. The Magi’s Gifts: Surrendering Our Treasures to God – Matthew 2:11

128. Christmas and the Concept of Unity in Christ – Ephesians 4:4-6

129. The Joy of Christmas: Rejoicing in the Savior’s Birth – Luke 2:10

130. The Angelic Choir: Praising God for His Redemption – Luke 2:13-14

131. Christmas and the Call to Repentance – Matthew 4:17

132. The Gift of Christmas: Jesus as God’s Ultimate Present – 2 Corinthians 9:15

133. The Wise Men: Responding to God’s Guidance – Matthew 2:9-11

134. Christmas and the Concept of Faith – Hebrews 11:1

135. The Birth of Jesus: A Miracle Foretold in Prophecy – Isaiah 7:14

136. The Christmas Candle: Illuminating the Darkness – John 1:4-5

137. The Hope of Christmas: Anticipating Christ’s Birth – Luke 2:25-32

138. The Christ Candle: Symbolizing the Light of Christ – John 8:12

139. The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength: Christmas and Joyful Living – Nehemiah 8:10

140.  Joy to the World: The Savior Reigns! – Psalm 98:4-6

141. The Shepherds’ Joy: Receiving Good News with Gladness – Luke 2:20

142. The Fullness of Joy in Christ: A Christmas Meditation – John 15:11

143. Rejoice Always: A Christmas Call to Joyful Living – 1 Thessalonians 5:16

144. God’s Covenant Fulfilled: Jesus, the Messiah – Luke 1:54-55

145. The New Covenant in Christ’s Blood: A Christmas Reflection – Luke 22:20

146. The Everlasting Covenant: God’s Promise in Christ – Hebrews 13:20-21

147. Abraham’s Covenant: A Prelude to Christmas Hope – Genesis 12:1-3

148. Living in the Covenant: Christmas and Covenantal Relationship – Jeremiah 31:31-34

149. The Fullness of Time: God’s Perfect Timing in Christmas – Gal. 4:4-5

150. From Abraham to Jesus: Tracing God’s Redemptive Plan – Matt. 1:2-16

Congratulations on taking your time to read from the beginning till the 150th sermon topic on 150 Christmas Sermon Topics and Ideas with Scriptures. I believe so strongly that the LORD has laid at least one or two topics on your heart or perhaps, paraphrased them to suit your topic. May the LORD give you divine understanding and illumination to receive from above and give to the people of God. Don’t forget to share the 150 Christmas Sermon Topics and Ideas with Scriptures.

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