Positive Declarations: We Are Grateful To You, Oh Lord

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We are grateful to you, Oh Lord for you are faithful to keep your promises even when we are unfaithful and ungrateful, stubborn in our hearts and minds, a generation of stiff-necked people, very wise in our own eyes and we pride ourselves in the abundance of our human wisdom and perversions modernity, not knowing that they are the ways leading to total deception, death and a trap to our souls.

We are grateful to you oh Lord, for sparing our lives. It pleased us to employ and pay experienced and professional security officers to protect lives and properties but they forget us and sleep at post. We don’t pay you, Lord, to protect us but you jealously guide and guard us; for you never sleep nor slumber. Worst of all, we wake up with strength and pride, busily minding our own businesses and we even forget to say, Thank You, Lord.

We don’t usually forget those who bless us; we don’t forget even those who give us temporary opportunities. We call them on phone, visit them and even send them text messages to thank them for the honour done us but you, Lord, we tend to forget many a time but you overlook our human weaknesses and wickedness and still pour your love and blessings on us. We come before you today, with a heart full of praise to say, we are grateful to you, Lord.

Related Powerful Prayer: Positive Declarations: I Shall Not Die Before My Time

Today, we look back only to see how far you have brought us. Some of the powerful and the most influential people are dead; some of the richest are dead, some of the most beautiful are dead; we may not be any better match to them, Lord, but you gave us the opportunity to see the beauty of this day.


Many a time, oh Lord, we passed through the thorny, crooked and lonely paths of life. We complain and speak against you sometimes thinking that you have left us to wander in confusion and desperation but you always prove never to leave us; and you always promise us a better future, Lord. You are awesome in Your Ways.

And oh, many a time, we soil our righteous garments and wallow in sin. To some people, Oh Lord, sin is no longer disgusting and unattractive to them but you keep trying us, forgiving us and always beckoning us to come to your saving knowledge, to depart from our sinful ways, strive to attain perfection in you and put on your full unperishable glory.

What then shall we say onto you, Lord? We say we are grateful to you for your abundant grace and mercies.

We Are Grateful To You.

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