16 People You Should Remember This Christmas Season

Picture Credit: blackloveadvice.com

You live in a world full of people but sometimes, it seems like you do not really care about people. You are only interested in working for yourself, minding your own business, attending to only your family and not other people but you forget that you are not living on an Island.

The Bible said: “In every way I’ve shown you that by laboring like this, it is necessary to help the weak and to keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, for He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35

In this article, I will be sharing the 16 people you should remember in this Christmas season.

16 People You Should Remember This Christmas Season

  1. The Lord, Your God

My friends, it is just by His grace and mercies alone that you have managed to reach the end of the year and still having the hope that you shall make it for the Next Year. Remember what God has done for you, how He saved, protected you and delivered you from many terrible situations. He deserves all the praise and worship for sparing your live. Remember that many wealthier, important and prettier people have been buried but you are still alive. You are not important than them. It is just by grace.

  1. Your Parents

Apart from God, if you could forget anyone, then it should not be your parents. Your parents are your parents whether biological or adopted. You may have no idea of the pains and troubles they went through before bringing you up to this stage. Remember them, visit them and show them some love. Remember that, your presence alone is the best present you can ever give your parents and not your money or gifts.

  1. Your Pastor

Pastors are the spiritual fathers who stand in for us. Most of the time, your pastor prays for you more than your biological father. His teachings, directions and prays and together with all the pieces of advice have really assist to shape your life for the year. Don’t forget them during occasions like this.

  1. Your Boss

No matter how wicked or cruel your boss is, call or send him a text wishing them well during the Christmas season. You may have had a very bad time with your boss, calling or sending a text could mean despite all the worst times, you still remember and have him or her at heart. This is a sure way not to carry pains and grudges to the following year.

  1. Your Workers

Anyone can create a business idea and anyone can start a business but it takes people to do business. Most of your workers have gone through terrible and strenuous conditions to fight for the interest of the company. Some fell sick and others got injured and we label it occupational hazards but all these happened to them because they decided to work for your company. Don’t forget to show them some love in a time like this and award the deserving ones in addition.

  1. Someone Who Really Assisted You In Your Worst Time

It is worth it to remember someone who really assisted you in the course of the year during your worst times. If it had not been the love and assistance of this person, your story could have been worst.

  1. Prisoners And Mentally Challenged

No one ever wishes to be in the confinement of prison walls. Some of the inmates are on life sentence and unfortunately, their partners, children and family members may have rejected them. A lot more of the prisoners are there for committing no crime. They were simply not able to defend themselves so they are rather in prison while the actual evil doers are walking freely on the surface of the earth. Christmas seasons may bring back fond memories of what they use to do with their families and this may cause them to shed tears. A little love of donations in kind could put the lost smiles on the faces of some people.

  1. Orphans and Street Children

Christmas is a happy time and a season for every child so long as mum and dad will get them some new Christmas dresses, food and some gifts. In fact, children always can’t wait for Christmas seasons but the happiness of orphans and street children are wiped away so long as they have lost their parents. A little love can make a difference in their lives.

  1. Widows and Widowers

If you know any widow or a widower, then show them some love because they may remember how they use to share quality time with their bereaved partners during Christmas. Sometimes, no one visits them or even call them on phone and loneliness alone can kill them faster.

  1. The Aged Or Retirees

Loneliness and boredom are two of the things that weaken the aged or retirees who may not have their children around them and anyone to visit them. It is time to remember them, celebrate them and show them love. Your presence alone is more than any other present you will give them in a time like this.

  1. The Sick, Accident And Disaster Victims

It is very frustrating to be hospitalized in excruciating pain during a festive season like Christmas. It is just by grace that you are not sick, afflicted and in pains. If you can, show love to the people in these conditions to put a smile on their faces.

  1. The Poor And Jobless

Some people are not sick; they are not in pains and they are not hurting but what kills their happiness is poverty. Imagine the joy on the faces of that poor fellow when you share your food, pastries and drinks with them. You don’t have to do extraordinary things; sometimes, the little things counts more than the bigger ones which may be difficult to do.

  1. Your Family

You can go chasing all the money in the world but remember that you were raised by a family. Regardless of what has happened in the past, never neglect your family. You still need them.

  1. Neighbours

How pleasant it is for brothers and sisters in the neighbourhood to share fellowship. You are not doing yourself any good if you are not friendly and welcoming in your neighbourhood.

  1. Your Enemies

A little act of kindness and your generosity could transform arch enemies into friends. Live your life as an example for even your enemies to emulate unless to extreme cases where you have to totally stay away from them for a peace of mind. In Romans 12:8, the Bible said:  If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

  1. Those Who Made Your Year And Those Who Hurt You So Much

You may not agree with me but it works. Just as you want to remember those who really assisted you and brought you so much joy, do your very best to remember those who also hurt you so much and forgive them if you still hold any grudges against them. It will be prudent to forgive people and make amends before the year ends. It might sound weird but it works. You relieve yourself off those pains anytime you hear or remember them when you forgive them. Stop nursing the pains and forgive them and move on.

In conclusion, let us read the very words of Jesus Christ from Matthew 25:35-40.

I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’

Did we miss anyone that we have to remember? Share your experience with us.



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