16 Ways to Bounce Back After Rejection – Ferdinard Senyo Lawson


“Never allow any rejection to be bigger than your vision. In the face of every rejection, project your vision before you”, Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Do you feel rejected or have been rejected by the very people you love? Well, the good news is that, rejections are part of life. However, we must learn to develop a positive attitude anytime we are faced with rejection.

In fact, I can agree that not many people have the boldness, courage and ability to handle rejection when it comes.

Rejection can be very painful, but just as we learn to cope with tooth aches, cuts and headaches; we must also train our mind to help us handle any kind of rejection in order to rise above its venoms.

Rejections mostly come from our love ones, families, friends, managers, bosses, peers, parents. It can also come from the people we look up to most often and these could be a mentor, leader, teacher, prophet, evangelist, bishop and a pastor.


Many of us have made a shipwreck of our destinies, life and happiness because we have allowed the rejection of others to switch off the life machine of our dreams, purpose and vision. This has put a lot of people in coma preventing them from taking positive steps to overcome their rejections in life.

No one is above rejection. Rejection comes to everyone. This means that, rejection is part of the air we breathe. Moreover, it is very sad that, we allow the behaviours and characters of other people to push us into a state where we don’t feel any joy and happiness to pursue our dreams and vision for ourselves.

Sometimes, these individuals may not realise how their behaviours make us feel and would not see the point of us feeling depressed by them.

I have faced many rejections in life. I have experienced it from family members to spiritual leaders I least expected it from. One thing that kept me going and achieving my dream is that, I have read from the word of God that says, “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up” Psalm 27:10.

This bible verse has been the driving force behind my pursuit.

Not everyone will accept or celebrate us. In times of rejection, the attitudes we cultivate and build will go a long way to lift us from the pit of rejection, projecting us unto the mountain of success.

Maybe you have been rejected from pursuing a course at the university due to your skin colour or race. You may have been refused a proposal for a job, career, book you wanted a foreword written for or music album you have dreamt of releasing by a pastor or leader you looked up to. No matter how you feel, never allow the rejection of other people steal your joy and happiness. Attitude is everything if you want to soar above the storm of rejection. Therefore, you must develop the right attitude to help you to bounce back to life to live your dream and vision.

When we allow rejection to get to us, we shut our inner door for greatness and trap ourselves in the hole of depression and doubt. I have always said that and it’s worth repeating it. Step up and keep up, you are destined for greatness.

You must know that you are the only one who can inspire and encourage yourself when everyone else has rejected you. You are not here to be depressed about life’s challenges but to arise and take positive steps to attain the purpose for your life.

Being rejected by someone does not mean you are not relevant to another person. There is time for everything. So, a time is coming where those who rejected you will come looking for you to save and help them. Don’t give up on yourself.

In life, you must remember that, not everybody can see your worth in their life. This is the more reason why you should allow those who can’t see your inner beauty and greatness limit you from shining and glowing.

Dealing with rejection gives us the platform to rebuild our lives and bounce back to achieve our aspirations. Nothing is worst like giving up on your personal dream because of rejection from others. You are the only one who can live your dream and purpose better. Therefore, inspire yourself and take measures to block the negative jabs rejections may want to inject into your mind.

Whatever it is that has led to the rejection, I would like to encourage you to build yourself with some level of faith to ignite the passion to pursue, overtake and recover the success you may have lost due to rejection.

You are more important than the rejection of men.

Here are 16 ways to bounce back after rejection

  1. Trust in the LORD
  2. Believe in yourself
  3. Never depend too much on people
  4. Remain focus on your dreams
  5. Develop positive thoughts
  6. Renew your mind about people
  7. Be organised and respect time
  8. Be diligent and determined
  9. Stop pleasing others other than yourself
  10. Learn to accept NO and disappointments
  11. Develop yourself by learning new skills
  12. Don’t take rejection personally
  13. Have mentors who will help you achieve your dreams
  14. Be open minded and learn to accept feed backs
  15. Celebrate and have time for yourself
  16. Befriend inspirational books or materials to motivate you.

Remember, you should “never allow any rejection to be bigger than your vision. In the face of every rejection, project your vision before you”, Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

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Ferdinard Lawson graduated from Sussex University and holds a BSc Degree in Public Health and Social Care. He is the Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C (FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker and Publication Consultant. He is a Multiple Awards Winning Author, Public Speaker and a Lifestyle Coach. He has published many inspirational, motivational books, and leadership books and full member of the Royal society for Public Health. England. He is currently the Co-Chairman of Mega (Kingston Hospital Trust)


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