
3 Ways to Change Your Mindset to Transform Your Life

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the...

Suffer the Pain of Discipline

Quote of the Week: Suffer the Pain of Discipline Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret. Discipline is all you need to take...

Why Many Women Don’t Use Their Husbands’ Surnames?

Three years ago, one of my spiritual daughters expressed her grave worry about why women use or do not have to use their husband’s...

People: The Greatest Asset In Life

"Anyone who fails to appreciate, accept and embrace people will surely fail in life. People are great assets to anything we want to do...

10 Ways To Remain Focus And Overcome The Noise of The Spectators of Life.

In every sphere of life, there will be many spectators who watch us daily as we pursue our respective dreams, goals, purpose and the...

10 Things Every Ghanaian Should Know About the Accra Floods

Each year, residents of Accra are reminded of the terrifying nature of floods that come with so many gory stories whenever the country experiences...

1st Ghana Disability Achievers Awards Launched

The Talented Multimedia Company, an NGO has launched its maiden Ghana Disability Achievers Award, to recognise the hard work of persons with disability in...

Don’t Stop Walking, But Keep Moving Into Success – Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” ~ Albert Einstein Life is meant to live forward not backward....

Effective Communication: THE PILLAR for every sustainable Marital Relationship.

Pillar provides great and formidable support. They hold the success and achievement of every structure that is ever built. Just like the foundation of buildings,...


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21 Questions Women Want Men to Answer When Dressing

It is very interesting to know the kind of questions women ask men and expect an expert answer from their men when they are...

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You’ve Got To Run to Your Destiny

Man, you’ve got to run to your destiny. Each and every one of us has a race to run in life; a different race...

WOMEN: Do You Have a Private Part or Public Part?

  Young man, listen to wisdom. When I was in school as a kid, teachers taught us that there are some parts of the human...

17 Ways Many Christians Become Hypocrites

As a Christian, you are supposed to be the light of the world. Your lifestyle is like a mirror that must reflect the true...

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